Genre: Action/ Comedy
It has been a while since I last wrote my review for movie, work pilling up and blogging getting busier. CZ 12 also know as Chinese Zodiac is the latest movie from Jackie Chan or would say in another way will be his last action movie as his age is already catching up.
CZ 12 is about on a quest to find the 12 mystical zodiac bronze sculpture that had been taken away from the war back in 1860, that represents the 12 sign. Then Jackie Chan teams being hired by antique dealers to track down the remaining 6 missing pieces. France were JC’s first destination, where two of the bronzes are believed to be held in a private collection. Along the way, they have made an uneasy alliance with Coco, a Chinese student in Paris, who is active in a global movement which campaigns for stolen cultural treasures to be returned to their homelands. Trail and after trail of clues landed them in a tropical island in South Seas where they believe the sinking ship had carried massive treasure to store the rest of the missing pieces.
Its a great to see JC back in action movie, with alot of unique and amazing stunts, of course his movie always filled with some part of humour. The mind blowing and get us glued to the scene with eyes open wide is when he fell into the cliff of volcano. That stunt is speechless where he try to protect the bronze head with his life.
Truly another great movie from Jackie Chan. – Recommended to watch as the whole 120 mins is very entertaining.
– Tik Ching, Pass, Stamped –
Overall ratings 9.5/10, very nice to watch in 2-D. . . .highly recommended
– The movie rated by me is by my own personal preference. Watch it at your own risk –