Hmm, let me ask you a question? How many of you are actually WeChat User.? I was recently introduce to this app by my friend 2 months ago that they prefer to use this over another famous app because of many things that they can do. LAst week when I was in Penang, I saw all my girl friends talking over the phone like talkie and I thought it was another brand only realise that this can do a group talkie chat.. That’s cool, along I understand its one of “The New Way to Connect”.
WeChat was available to Malaysia market since last year June as this app started as early as Jan 2011. Since then they have garner quite a huge success with less than 2 years with 300mil download, that makes them one of the fastest growing app. Then last week they had a huge launching into Malaysia market and I only realise that this app is develop from China.
What is WeChat?
WeChat is a social mobile communications app designed for smartphone users. The application allows the users to send free text, voice messages, emoticons, picture, video and other files. Users can also video-chat, add new friends through its social features, utilize location-based services, and share their stories through the unique ‘Moments’ feature in the form of photos, video and URL links.
WeChat application is available for iOS, Android OS, Symbian, BlackBerry and Windows Phone users. Note that not all features are available for different platforms. For more information and application download, please visit:
To my surprise, with the power of WeChat, so many of my bloggers friend got this invitation and to me its like huge massive Klang Valley bloggers gathering.
To get the brand pressence stronger in Malaysia market, they have appointment of Lisa Surihani and Shaheizy Sam as its Malaysian celebrity brand ambassadors. Both of them are strong in their social media pres sense too with strong followers.
As I walked into food section area, then saw this cute cupcakes filled with Wechat logo.
Then the night started off with Vivian Chua solo singing.
Then duet with Henley Hii
Every one pause a moment to catch the performance. . .
During the night, there is a live screen on the stage and its rather simple. Download the app if you do not have one and just scan on the code then you will be in the groupchat.
To be more entertaining, the night is host by DJ Rudy and with his humor personality, he brings the place to life. . With a few contest up on stage, we can see more and more people are willing to participate. Not to forget that those winners bring back good item, with Ipad and some hardisk as concolation. WeChat definately have the budget to make every one happy that Mr. Poshu Yeung, Vice President of the International Business Group of Tencent Holdings Limited himself is there to witness the whole event.
Then the night continue with DJ Sykogroove spinning for the night.
Of course not to be miss on familiar faces, Benjamin and Anna. .
Good to see Esther as its been long time I have not seen her, with Yatz and Joshua and Walauwei . .
Jessica and her Boyfriend, Queenie and Mandy. .
It was a great night to see many bloggers in one roof, eating and drinking all the way. To those of you who are new to WeChat, just watch the video below to know more about it, as this app now is available on platforms like iOS, Android, Symbian, Blackberry and Windows Phone devices. Get yours and install for free now. For more information, please go on to their official Facebook Page and Website.